
Editing & Revision Techniques  - Pt 1

Take a Break:

After completing a draft, take a break before starting the editing process. This allows you to come back with fresh eyes and a clear mind.

Focus on One Aspect at a Time:

When editing, focus on one aspect of your writing at a time, such as spelling, grammar, punctuation, or clarity. This helps prevent overwhelm and ensures thorough attention to detail.

Check for Consistency:

Ensure consistency in spelling, punctuation, formatting, and style throughout your writing. Pay attention to details like capitalisation, verb tense, and punctuation usage.

Read Aloud:

Read your writing aloud to catch any awkward phrasing, grammatical errors, or inconsistencies. Hearing your words can help identify areas that need improvement.

Use Editing Tools:

Take advantage of spelling and grammar checkers in word processing software to catch basic errors. However, be aware that these tools may not catch all mistakes, so manual review is still necessary.

Editing & Revision Techniques - Pt 2

Coming soon!

Seek Feedback:

Share your writing with peers, teachers, or family members for feedback. Consider their suggestions and use them to revise and improve your work.

Clarify Confusing Passages:

If any parts of your writing are unclear or confusing, revise them to improve clarity. Provide additional explanation or examples as needed to ensure your message is understood.

Take Pride in Your Work:

Finally, take pride in your edited and revised writing. Celebrate your improvements and the effort you've put into refining your writing skills.

Cut Unnecessary Words:

Trim unnecessary words, phrases, or sentences that do not contribute to the clarity or flow of your writing. Aim for concise and impactful prose.

Proofread Carefully:

Proofread your writing multiple times to catch any remaining errors or typos. Pay close attention to common mistakes like homophones (e.g., there/their/they're) and punctuation errors.