
Research Tips - Pt 1

Finding Reliable Sources:

Learn how to identify credible sources of information, such as books, articles, and websites, that provide accurate and trustworthy information.

Organising Information:

Explore strategies for organising and synthesising information gathered from multiple sources to create a well-structured and coherent research project.

Taking Notes:

Learn how to take effective notes while conducting research, including summarising key points, recording important details, and citing sources properly.

Conducting Effective Searches:

Discover tips and techniques for conducting online searches using search engines and databases to find relevant and reliable information on your research topic.

Evaluating Sources:

Understand how to critically evaluate sources for reliability, accuracy, and bias to ensure that the information you use is credible and trustworthy.

Research Tips - Pt 2

Creating Bibliographies:

Understand the importance of creating bibliographies or works cited pages to acknowledge the sources you used in your research and avoid plagiarism.

Asking Questions:

Develop critical thinking skills by learning how to ask thoughtful and probing questions to guide your research and deepen your understanding of a topic.

Celebrating Discoveries:

Embrace the joy of discovery and celebrate your achievements as a researcher by sharing your findings with others, presenting your work, or participating in research competitions.

Using Libraries:

Discover the resources and services available at libraries, including books, reference materials, and research assistance, to support your research efforts.

Collaborating with Peers:

Explore the benefits of collaborating with peers on research projects, including sharing ideas, pooling resources, and providing feedback to improve your work.