
Vocabulary Building  - Pt 1

Read Widely:

Make a habit of reading books, magazines, and newspapers on a variety of topics. Exposure to diverse vocabulary in context will naturally expand your own vocabulary.

Use Flashcards:

Create flashcards with new words on one side and their definitions on the other. Review the flashcards regularly to help commit the words to memory.

Learn Root Words:

Explore the meanings of common root words and prefixes, such as "bio" (life), "tele" (distant), or "pre" (before), to understand the building blocks of many English words.

Keep a Word Journal:

Create a word journal or notebook to jot down new words you encounter while reading or in conversation. Write down the word, its definition, and a sentence using it to help reinforce your understanding.

Play Word Games:

Engage in word games and puzzles, such as crossword puzzles, word searches, or Scrabble, to have fun while learning new words and reinforcing their meanings.

Vocabulary Building - Pt 2

Use a Thesaurus:

When writing, use a thesaurus to find synonyms and antonyms for words you already know. This can help you vary your vocabulary and express yourself more precisely.

Label Objects:

Label objects around your home with their names to reinforce vocabulary related to everyday items. You can also label items with their colours, shapes, or functions to expand your descriptive vocabulary.

Practice Using New Words:

Finally, actively incorporate new words into your writing and speaking whenever possible. The more you use a word, the more likely it is to become part of your active vocabulary.

Practice Word of the Day:

Challenge yourself to learn a new word every day and try to use it in conversation or writing. Many websites and apps offer a "word of the day" feature to help with this.

Act Out Words:

Act out the meanings of words or use gestures to help remember their definitions. Making connections between words and actions can make learning more memorable and engaging.