
Celebrating 10 Years of Green Innovation!

Ashleigh Kelly
Tween News Staff

Did you know that the Green Alley Award is turning 10 this April? It's a super special celebration of awesome ideas that help make our planet cleaner and happier!

For the past decade, this award has been giving a big thumbs-up to companies with brilliant plans to tackle our waste problem. Imagine this: faux leather made from leftover gelatine, packaging grown from fungi, and batteries recycled from old electric cars. These are just a few of the fantastic ideas that have won the Green Alley Award!

This year, we're celebrating a whole decade of cheering on amazing ideas that make our world a better place. From Finland to France, and everywhere in between, people are coming up with cool ways to reduce waste and reuse stuff. Take RePack, for example. They won the very first Green Alley Award in 2014 by finding a smart solution to all those packages we get from shopping online. Instead of using plastic that gets thrown away after one use, they make bags and wallets from recycled materials that you can use again and again. It's like magic!

But RePack is just one of many awesome companies making a difference. From making buildings with low carbon materials to turning old stuff into something new and cool, these companies are changing the game.

The Green Alley Award started with a bright idea from Jan Patrick Schulz, who wanted to help our planet by encouraging people to think differently about waste. Since then, it's grown into a big deal, with hundreds of companies from all over the world joining in.

And guess what? This year's winner will get a big cash prize of €25k! That's a lot of money to help them keep doing their awesome work. But even if they don't win, all the finalists get a chance to show off their ideas and meet other cool people who care about the planet.

As we look to the future, it's clear that projects like the ones in the Green Alley Award are super important. We're using up our planet's resources way too fast, but with clever ideas and a little bit of magic, we can turn things around!

So here's to another 10 years of awesome ideas and big dreams for a cleaner, greener world. Let's keep working together to make our planet a better place for everyone.