
Fantasy World-Building: Designing Your Own Magical Universe

Francesca Thorscott
Age: 14 Years
Junior Writer

Have you ever wished that the world could be different? That perhaps you could make it perfect, or close enough? Well, here is your chance!

With Fantasy World-Building you can craft a world as you see fit, however terrible or wonderful you decide it should be. Only the characters you deem fit to reside in your world can be admitted- whether they be elves, or goblins, or simple humans. You determine the facts, the history, the politics (or lack thereof), the diversity of plant and animal species, the lay of the land… it is truly your own world to shape.

I find that one of the greatest assets to proper world building is to include both the bigger picture and the most ‘inconsequential’ details. You can see of course what I mean by ‘the bigger picture’, cities, population, culture. This area could be described as the building blocks of the world- what makes it function? How do different people interact? Are there feuds, or peace? Clashes in culture, or a unity under one rule? All these things, you decide.

As for the latter point I mentioned… to create even the most complex world with twisted knots of history, you absolutely NEED the details- for example- would our own world make any sense at all without traditional songs, nuances of culture such as slang words and so on. Do not, of course, feel pressured to plot out the most minute features of your world immediately. The best details come in time- when you realize that there should be something where there is a gap. Going forward, however, consider these questions; Where do children learn, and does their education system follow a similar approach to ours? What games do those children play? What tales do their mothers spin for them at night to warn them to behave? And so on.

On that note- never, EVER assume that just because something our world is one way, that it has to be that way in yours- or even be present at all. Howsoever the rulers in your world come to power, remember that you can change the very foundations of this existence on a whim. You are the supreme ruler. The hero, or the villain. Or somewhere in between. Now your world is finally ready…

Draw your own maps and make artefacts in reality while you save the world or conquer it in your own design of existence. A whole new fantasy world of adventure awaits you! One final point- you can, should you wish, develop more than one world…