
How Do Chameleons Change Colour? The Wonders of Camouflage

Tushika Gupta
Age: 11 Years
Junior Writer

Have you ever seen a chameleon change colour before? It is like a rainbow right in front of you but how does all of this work? In this article you can find out all about the special colours of these marvellous creatures and how it all works. So let’s dive into the fascinating world of chameleons and their exquisite, yet mysterious, colours.

So, let's dive straight into the first question: how do chameleons change colour? Well, chameleons are able to change colour using something called nanocrystals (an extremely small crystal-like particle)  that reflect light in different ways, letting the chameleon change its colour.The dermis ( the space between the first two layers of skin) the crystals are in gets tighter or looser which changes to colours like green,brown,red or yellow.These colour show many different feelings of the chameleon, as we shall find out next.

Scientists and most people believe that chameleons change their colour to show their mood and by doing so, they are telling other chameleons or perhaps their owners how they are feeling. For example, when chameleons are relaxed, they like to show off nice calm greens and browns. However, when they are excited, like trying to fight a competitor or trying to attract a mate, they show more red and yellow hues. Some special types of chameleons also change colours to help themselves to adjust in temperature or light changes.

Now, you might be wondering: if chameleons can change colour, then what colour are chameleons when they are born? When baby chameleons are first born, they usually have a light colour like white or pale green. These young chameleons haven't developed the ability to change colour yet, so they rely on blending in with their surroundings for protection. As they grow older, they begin to develop their characteristic colour-changing abilities, which help them communicate with other chameleons. So, even though baby chameleons may start off with a more subdued hue, they soon become masters of camouflage in the colourful world.

So, in brief, chameleons are literally masterminds at colour changing and we now know how this all works. From nano crystals to their emotions, chameleons really are quite special! Impress all your friends with your new-found knowledge about chameleons and have fun learning more about these fascinating animals.