
Oldest Iceberg Breaks Free After 37 years!

Ashleigh Kelly
Tween News Staff

Hey there, kids! Did you know that the world's largest iceberg, A23a, has finally started moving after being stuck for 37 years? It's like a giant ice cube floating in the ocean!

Imagine this: A23a is as huge as three New York Cities combined! It's like having three big cities made entirely of ice. This mega ice cube weighs more than one trillion tons and stands taller than the Empire State Building, which is super tall!

A23a is part of a bigger iceberg family called A23. Back in 1986, A23 broke off from Antarctica's Filchner Ice Shelf, but A23a got stuck while the other pieces floated away. Imagine waiting for 37 years before finally getting to move!

Experts recently noticed A23a drifting in the Southern Ocean, far away from Antarctica. They expect it to melt eventually, just like other icebergs. Even though it's huge, all icebergs eventually melt and disappear.

But here's the catch: if A23a gets too close to an island called South Georgia, it could cause trouble for the animals living there. Penguins and other animals might get trapped, making it hard for them to find food in the ocean. That's why scientists are keeping a close eye on it!

You might wonder why this iceberg started moving now. Well, it's not because the water got warmer or anything like that. It seems like it was just time for A23a to start its journey. Just like when you finish your homework and decide it's time to play!

Icebergs are like history books made of ice. When they melt, they release tiny air bubbles and dust particles that scientists can study to learn about our planet's past. It's like reading a story written in ice!

So, while A23a's adventure might be exciting, it also teaches us about the amazing world of icebergs and how they can impact our environment. Who knows what other surprises the icy world holds for us!