
The Colourful Holi Festival in India: A Celebration of Spring

Tushika Gupta
Age: 11 Years
Junior Writer

Hey, readers! Have you ever heard of an amazing festival called Holi? It brings so much fun to everyone around the world and brings communities closer together. But it also has important meanings behind it which you will also discover in this article. Find out what Holi is, where it originates from and many other things about it. What are you waiting for? Let's jump in!

So what exactly is Holi? Holi is a festival which is usually celebrated by Hindus and Sikhs but anyone can join in if they want to! Did you know that the date of Holi varies? This is because Holi doesn't follow the Gregorian calendar, it follows the Lunar calendar which is used for a lot of different festivals around the world.

Now, here comes the fun bit… The way this festival is celebrated is very unusual! On the first night of Holi, people may have a bonfire and throw various foods like coconuts in the fire. The next day is when the real fun starts! Families get together and have lots of fun by throwing coloured powders on eachother. Anyone can join in by smearing these powders on other people while chasing each other.

You can celebrate wherever you wish but one of the best places to go is a park with open spaces so you can chase each other as far as you like. You can ask friends and family to meet you there and perhaps you could have a nice picnic at the end! You can eat different foods based in India since that is where the festival comes from. Some examples are lassi -a drink- and barfi -a sweet food-  which are very tasty!

But what is Holi all about and why do we celebrate it? Well here is your answer! Holi represents good triumphing over evil and the heavenly love between Krishna and Radha– Krishna is a hindu god. It also celebrates the coming of Spring and end of Winter, which is why it occurs mainly in March.This festival is derived from a Hindu myth too. The story tells of an evil king called Hiranyakashipu who wanted to kill his good son Prahlad and makes a plan with his sister Holika to burn him alive. But fortunately, Prahlad was saved due to divine intervention and Holika was burnt instead. This story shows themes of good vs evil, which is important in the festival of Holi.

We have now come to the end of this article, but I hope you enjoyed learning all about this colourful festival of Holi. Why not learn more about this festival and other festivals celebrating spring too? Maybe you can join in the festivities too!